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Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

我们知道你的隐私对你来说很重要. Lincoln Memorial University recognizes the concerns of individuals regarding privacy and online data collection. 我们努力尊重和保护网站访问者的隐私期望. 大多数网站都会收集访问者的一些信息. 收集的信息类型非常广泛, and are collected both passively (by the web servers that host the websites) and actively (via user input through forms, surveys, etc.). Some of the information collected allows site owners to determine who a particular visitor is and to track their behavior within and across a website domain. However, most of the information collected cannot identify you as a particular individual and is only collected in aggregate. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站域内的网站lmunet.Edu同样收集有关网站访问者的信息. 本声明概述了所收集的信息(数据)的类型, our methods for collecting data, and the reasons we collect data.


    The following are examples of information that may be collected in aggregate to provide communications staff, site owners, content managers, designers, and IT specialists insight into visitor behavior for the purpose of improving university websites and access to university informaiton.

    • The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer and name of the Internet domain used to access the Internet;
    • 直接链接到网络内网站的IP地址.edu domain;
    • 在网络中访问站点的日期和时间.edu domain;
    • 在此会话期间访问的页面(“请求”);
    • 用于访问网络内站点的Web浏览器和操作系统.edu domain;
    • 用于访问网络内站点的设备.edu domain;

    Lincoln Memorial University websites commonly use one of the following methods to collect this data:


    Cookies are files that many websites transfer to users' web browsers to enable the site to deliver personalized services or to provide persistent authentication. The information contained in a cookie typically includes information collected automatically by the web server and/or information provided voluntarily by the user. Our website uses persistent cookies in conjunction with a third party technology partner to analyze search engine usage and web traffic patterns. 这些信息被用于监控和改进我们的网页. 它不用于跟踪单个用户的使用模式. Users may set preferences regarding the storage of cookies within their individual web browsers, 哪个也可以用来删除存储的cookie.


    Many websites within the lmunet.使用谷歌分析来收集访问者数据. 这些数据也是通过谷歌设置的cookie收集的. 有关更多信息,请参阅谷歌的隐私和合作伙伴网站的条款:谷歌.com/policies/privacy/partners/The Lincoln Memorial University may also transmit non‐Personally identifiable information (NPII) collected by third‐party tracking services (cookies) to other third parties (e.g. Facebook) so that you may see messages from the university when you visit other websites outside of the domain. Users can opt‐out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting by blocking third party cookies and tracking mechanisms via browser or operating system settings, browser plugins, 或者使用aboutads之类的服务.信息/选择或您的在线选择.eu/.



  •   收集及处理个人资料的合法依据

    LMU is an institution of higher education involved in education, research, and public service. 为了使LMU能够在课堂上和网上教育学生, engage in research, and provide public service, it is essential, necessary, 而LMU有合法的收集依据, process, use, 并维护学生的数据, employees, applicants, research subjects, 以及其他参与其教育的人, research, and public service programs. The lawful bases include, without limitation, admission, registration, delivery of classroom, on‐line, and study abroad education, grades, communications, employment, applied research, development, 改进方案分析, and records retention.

    Examples of data that LMU may need to collect in connection with these lawful bases are: name, email address, IP address, 物理地址或其他位置标识符, photos, 以及一些经事先同意而获得的敏感个人资料.

    Most of LMU’s collection and processing of personal data will fall under the following categories:

    • Processing which is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by LMU or third parties in providing education, employment, research and development, and public service.
    • Processing which is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
    • 为遵守LMU所承担的法律义务所必需的处理.  
    • Processing for which the data subject has given consent for LMU to use his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.

    There will be some instances where the collection and processing of personal data will be pursuant to other lawful bases.

  •   Lmu和欧盟的一般数据保护条例

    The Lincoln Memorial University (“LMU”) may be a data “controller” or “processor” with regard to certain activities as defined under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“EU GDPR”). LMU致力于保护符合GDPR的个人权利.


    LMU Data Protection Officers:

    哈罗盖特LMU: Jason McConnell首席信息官

    LMU Harrogate: Debra Moyers CDO


  •   所收集的个人资料的种类及其用途

    LMU收集各种个人数据以满足其合法依据之一,如上所述. 大多数情况下,这些数据被用于学术录取, enrollment, educational programs, job hiring, provision of medical services, participation in research, development, and public service. Data typically includes name, address, transcripts, work history, information for payroll, research subject information, 医疗和健康信息(用于学生健康服务), or travel), and donations. 如果您对收集和使用您的个人资料有特别的疑问, please contact the Data Protection Officer for the applicable LMU campus or institute as identified herein. If a data subject refuses to provide personal data that is required by LMU in connection with one of LMU’s lawful bases to collect such personal data, 这种拒绝可能会使LMU无法提供教育, employment, research, or other requested services.


    LMU从多个来源接收个人数据. Most often, LMU gets this data directly from the data subject or under the direction of the data subject who has provided it to a third party (for example, 通过通用应用程序申请LMU入学).

  •   数据主体在GDPR下的权利

    如果您是GDPR下的个人数据主体, 您可以获取以下信息并行使以下权利:

    • 控制器和的身份和澳门威尼斯人赌城, where applicable, the controller’s representative;
    • 大学资料保障主任的联络资料;
    • an explanation of the purposes and legal bases/legitimate interests of the data collection/processing;
    • 识别个人资料接收者;
    • notice if LMU intends to transfer personal data to another country or international organization;
    • 有关个人资料储存期限的通知;
    • the right to access personal data, rectify incorrect personal data, erase personal data, restrict or object to processing, 以及数据可移植性的权利;
    • 如果处理是基于同意的,则有权随时撤回同意;
    • 向监管机构(在欧盟设立)提出投诉的权利;
    • 解释为何需要提供个人资料, 以及未能提供数据的可能后果;
    • notice of the existence of automated decision‐making, including profiling; and
    • notice if the collected data are going to be further processed for a purpose other than that for which it was collected.

    Any data subject who wishes to exercise any of the above‐mentioned rights may do so by submitting such request to the Data Protection Officer for the applicable LMU campus or institute as identified herein.

  •   受欧盟GDPR约束的个人数据安全

    LMU致力于确保您的信息安全. 我们已经制定了合理的物理措施, technical, and administrative safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the information collected online. All personal data collected or processed by LMU under the scope of the GDPR will comply with the security controls and systems and process requirements and standards as set forth in LMU’s Information Technology Policies, which are available at



    • 为满足LMU的合法目的,包括但不限于:
    • its legitimate interest,
      • contract compliance,
      • 根据您的同意,
      • as required by law;
    • as necessary to protect LMU’s interests; or
    • with service providers acting on our behalf who have agreed to protect the confidentiality of the data.
